Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Screenplay, Movies and Scripts....

Todays class got cut early, im not sure why, but we were supposed to go home and google screenplay, movies and script. The first thing I checked out was just "screenplay" but in the search window came up screenplay format, so I checked that one out. The first thing i bumped into was "How to write a screenplay". Its a kind of cool website... It has this table of contents and under that you can find all kinds of things, e.g. dialogue, action and more. Here I thought I found an example of a script... got kind of excited but it turned out there was nothing there... dissapointing!! I googled some more... came across this webpage, The movie making manual. On this page you can find all kinds of information on development, pre- and post-production, marketing..... e.g. film marketing... wow this all sounds so confusing! But now my internet is really slow... and I have to run off to work... so I will continue with my research after I get back home :)


1 comment:

  1. (just let you all leave the classroom to do your research wherever you wanted : )
