Tuesday, August 31, 2010

In My Oppinion....

Before we came to english class today we had to read these two articles, one called "The internet generation prefers the real world" and the other "The new literacy: Stanford finds richness and complexity in students´ writing".

I think both of the articles are rather interesting. I am sure that younger people all over the world have no problem logging off and going outside to spend time with friends... But I think a big prosentage just want to stay logged on.. even if they dont say so.. but thats just in my oppinion. I think the internet is great for the world.. its much easier for people all over the world to stay in touch, get news from other countrys, information for school and so on.. But we cant always be sure the things on the internet is true, like on wikipedia.... anyone can wright something on there!! But yeah yeah.. time is precious.. but are´nt we the once to decide what we want to do with our time?
But I do find it hard to belive that the most intense media users in the US exercise just as much as other of their age.

1 comment:

  1. very nice! thanks for giving your opinion about the subjects of the essays...:D
