Friday, October 1, 2010

Chosing Scripts You Love

We were supposed to choose three movie scrips that we like on this page. I decited to choose The green mile, Pearl harbor and Pulp fiction because I really like those films. I went on youtube and found scenes from each film and then found that perticular scene in the scripts. Lets start the review!

 The green mile was released eleven years ago. There are many, maaany years since I saw it and I dont remember everything from that movie but I remember that it that I liked it a lot. The scene I remember the most was when John Coffee was executed so I found that scene in the script and on youtube. The dialog in the script and the actual scene in the movie are more and less the same..... Its a tragic scene and if you watch the whole film you are going to find it hard to watch! :/ But there are some differences such as Marjorie shouting out to Coffee what a monster he is in the script when Coffee says he is sorry.... but not in the movie.  You can see that she is supposed to shout it out because her line has an exclamation mark at the end. I think it is better left out because the silence in the scene in the movie makes it that more powerful.

Pearl harbor was released in 2001. I remember seeing it in the cinema and I loved it. The dialog in the script and the movie are a bit different. Some things have been left out from the script while there have also been additions. In this movie scene president Roosevelt is saying he wants to attack the heart of Japan. His closest advisors and highest ranking military personell tells him that it is not possible because the Japanese had destroyed most of The United States fleet. This scene is really memorable because in the end of the scene Roosevelt, who is in a wheelchair, stands up and says: "Do not tell me it can´t be done!" I am off the opinion that the movie dialog is better that than the original script. I can´t really explain it, but I think it might be because I have seen the movie so many times and this scene and it´s dialog is what I am used to!

Pulp fiction is a masterpiece in my opinion. The movie was released in 1994 and it is the favorite movie for many. I chose this scene because it is one of the best known scenes ever. Just see it for yourself here! The scene in the script and the movie scene are pretty much the same. The only difference is that the place of some of the words in the sentences have been altered. It also says in the script that the briefcase is under the bed.... but in the movie it is in the closet. So... I dont think it makes much of a difference. I really love this scene!!!

I enjoyed this assignment I have to say! It´s been a long time since I have seen these films and I am sure I will watch them really soon because of this assignment :)


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Screenplay, Movies and Scripts....

Todays class got cut early, im not sure why, but we were supposed to go home and google screenplay, movies and script. The first thing I checked out was just "screenplay" but in the search window came up screenplay format, so I checked that one out. The first thing i bumped into was "How to write a screenplay". Its a kind of cool website... It has this table of contents and under that you can find all kinds of things, e.g. dialogue, action and more. Here I thought I found an example of a script... got kind of excited but it turned out there was nothing there... dissapointing!! I googled some more... came across this webpage, The movie making manual. On this page you can find all kinds of information on development, pre- and post-production, marketing..... e.g. film marketing... wow this all sounds so confusing! But now my internet is really slow... and I have to run off to work... so I will continue with my research after I get back home :)


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What is it About Short Stories?

This week we were supposed to google short stories. The first thing that caught my eye was this link here The Short Story Library at American Literature. It says that you can find some of the greatest short stories of all times in that link. That is actually pretty great. You just go online, pick a story and read it in one sitting! And that link also has a short story of the day!!  This one also caught my eye Classic Short Stories. Every thing that starts with "classic" is always classic! How about that! It is also easy to use, for example if you know some authors you just press By Author on the front page and there you get a list of all the authors they have. And the same goes with By Title, but as you know that goes for the title of the book :)
This one 100% Free aaa.. not so much! Notice that at the top of the page it says 100% FREE! Ughhh... I dont like websites that use that to try to get people to visit their site. These are the websites that usually cost something! But maybe not this one.... but I still dont like it because it has some blinking thing on the front page that says "new". I think that is cheap!
This website says that the short story is more suitable for the modern life than a novel. That might be true if you think about it.... I personally always think people are in soooo much of a hurry! dont you? and then of course.... it fits better to have a short story than a really long one. I know you can always put a book down even if you dont finish it... but I agree that short stories are more suitable now a days!
A short story is just as much of a story as a novel, it just has not all the descriptions and stuff as the novels, to make you imagine everything as it should be imagined.
And to sum this blog up..... Here you can learn to write your own short story! It has all the steps from gathering ideas to revise and edit. It actually also has a step called keep writing! haha, what is up with that! This one on the other hand is muuuuch more basic ;) Which one is better?

-Until next time

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

In My Oppinion....

Before we came to english class today we had to read these two articles, one called "The internet generation prefers the real world" and the other "The new literacy: Stanford finds richness and complexity in students´ writing".

I think both of the articles are rather interesting. I am sure that younger people all over the world have no problem logging off and going outside to spend time with friends... But I think a big prosentage just want to stay logged on.. even if they dont say so.. but thats just in my oppinion. I think the internet is great for the world.. its much easier for people all over the world to stay in touch, get news from other countrys, information for school and so on.. But we cant always be sure the things on the internet is true, like on wikipedia.... anyone can wright something on there!! But yeah yeah.. time is precious.. but are´nt we the once to decide what we want to do with our time?
But I do find it hard to belive that the most intense media users in the US exercise just as much as other of their age.